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HaKuNa MaTaTa!

吉祥如意! 本人興趣廣泛, 愛好諸多收藏, 因收藏物品日增, 將於日後逐一低價釋出分享; 網拍品項希冀有緣人愛惜使用, 甚而妥予收藏; 加之與製斗大師結緣, 日後將不時讓售精品與大家, 請拭目以待! 也歡迎各類收藏同好交流及交換意見, 謝謝! 另竭誠歡迎其他問題的來電或郵˙

Hi guys, welcome to CrabHao's auctions, the pipe i sell is handmade Moretti pipes from Italy mainly and some other pipes too. Due to i have many collectibles,such as mechanical watches,teapots,Xinjiang nephrites, jades, rosy stones, PengHu mottles and sculptures, many collectibles will be gradually sold  out on website to share and to form cause with U(Collectors), also welcome to my or website and give me ur guidance.